Financial Wellness
If you are living paycheck to paycheck with no savings, we can help with financial education, credit counseling, credit repair, and establishing a budget with the goal of saving for an emergency and your future.
You can enroll in our Financial Wellness Program and receive one on one coaching with an expert who will also help keep you accountable for reaching your goals.
Financial Success
You’re not struggling, but you’re not debt free either. You have the means to build net worth and really succeed financially. You may have more debt than you’d like and may not be happy with your 401k contributions. You know you’re not watching your spending.
If this sounds like you, our Financial Success Program offers accredited financial counselors. They will work with you and your partner to align your financial goals, put the steps in place to reach them, and keep you accountable.
Financial Health in Action
Members who commit to a financial health program have discovered the immense benefits of financial literacy.
Contact a Financial Manager Today
If you’re not sure where to start, our financial managers are happy to help. Fill out the form to get a one-on-one virtual meeting with a financial expert who will take a pulse on your current financial situation and help you discover which financial program would be best for you.
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